Community Issue 

May 2001




Gail White









poetry index                                     




The Glamor

Eve: Who Learned the Consequences of Being the Lady with Brains


Gail White lives at 1017 Spanish Moss Lane, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, 70517, in the heart of Cajun country. Ms. White lives with Arthur, Daisy, and Pushkin (the last 2 are cats). She has edited 2 anthologies and has appeared in numerous magazines, 6 chapbooks and 2 sets of postcards. So far, however, publication of her own solo book has eluded her. If you can help Ms. White quit her day job, please send the Standard Rich and Famous Contract to the address above.




  Gail White



enlarged view.

Gail White's
books at the









Kim Bridgford's start page



Able Muse

