
Quincy R. Lehr

Quincy R. Lehr is a butt-scratching idiot with a terrible personality and bad personal hygiene who lives in Los Angeles. His most recent book is The Dark Lord of the Tiki Bar.



Amit Majmudar

Amit Majmudar is a poet, novelist, essayist, and translator. His latest books include Godsong: A Verse Translation of the Bhagavad-Gita, with Commentary (Knopf, 2018) and the poetry collection What He Did in Solitary (Knopf, 2020). Recent novels published in India include Sitayana (Penguin Random House India, 2019) and Soar (Penguin Random House India, 2020). The former first Poet Laureate of Ohio, he is also a diagnostic nuclear radiologist in Westerville, Ohio, where he lives with his wife and three children.



Garret Keizer

Garret Keizer is the author of The World Pushes Back, winner of the 2018 X. J. Kennedy Poetry Prize, and eight books of prose, including Getting Schooled, Privacy,and The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want. His poetry has appeared in AGNI, the Antioch Review, Harvard Review, the Hudson Review,the New Yorker, Ploughshares,and Raritan, among others.He is a contributing editor of Harper’s Magazine and Virginia Quarterly Review. He lives with his wife in northeastern Vermont.



Wendy Videlock

Wendy Videlock lives in a small agricultural town on the western slope of the Colorado Rockies. Her work appears in The Best American Poetry, American Life in Poetry, Hudson Review, Hopkins Review, the New York Times, Poetry, Dark Horse, and other venues. In the introduction to her first book, MacArthur finalist A.E. Stallings says of her work, “what [these poems] lack in length . . .


Julia Griffin

Julia Griffin teaches Renaissance English literature at Georgia Southern University. She has been published in Light, Lighten Up Online, Mezzo Cammin, and some other journals.



Chelsea Woodard

Chelsea Woodard is the author of the collections Vellum (Able Muse Press, 2014) and Solitary Bee (Measure Press, 2016).Her poems have appeared in the Threepenny Review, 32 Poems, Southwest Review, Blackbird, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and teaches at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire.



L.M. Brown

L.M. Brown is the author of the novels Debris and Hinterland, and the short story collections Were We Awake and Treading the Uneven Road. Both collections were featured in World Literature Today. Her stories won the Nevermore Flash Fiction Award and Press 53-Word Story Contest, and were shortlisted for the Bath Short Story Award, SmokeLong Quarterly Flash Fiction Award, and Fractured Lit Award.


Treena Thibodeau

Treena Thibodeau’s fiction has appeared in the Rumpus, Newtown Literary, and Vol. 1 Brooklyn. She is the creator of the virtual reading series TGI, and her work has received generous support from the Vermont Studio Center and the Tin House Summer Conference. She holds an MFA from Columbia University.



John McLennon

John McLennon spent most of his life in the US Army. During that time, he lived in Germany for four years and made friends with people who survived World War II who were kind enough to share their experiences with him. After retiring from the army, he earned a BA in English Literature and a teacher’s certificate from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is a member of several writer’s groups as well as the San Antonio Writer’s Guild from which he has won two first-place prizes for short stories and has had several short stories published in literary magazines.


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