
Duane Caylor

Duane Caylor is a physician in Dubuque, Iowa. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in various journals, most recently Blue Unicorn, American Arts Quarterly, Off the Coast, Atlanta Review, and First Things. He has been a finalist for both the Morton Marr Poetry Prize and the Nemerov Sonnet Award, and he received honorable mention for the Frost Farm Prize in 2014.



Catharine Savage Brosman

Catharine Savage Brosman, PhD, is Professor Emerita of French at Tulane University. She was Mellon Professor of Humanities for 1990 and later held the Gore Chair in French. She was also visiting professor for a term at the University of Sheffield, UK. Her scholarly publications comprise eighteen books on French literary history and criticism. A new volume, Louisiana Creole Literature: A Historical Study, has just been published.


Eric Berlin

Eric Berlin grew up in suburban New Jersey during the 1980s with a love for storytelling instilled by his grandmother. He was drawn to poetry partly as a way of coping with her death. After studying English at Harvard, he joined an improv troupe to cultivate spontaneity within various comedic forms. Shifting from that collaborative creativity to a more individual sort, he earned a Sculpture MFA at NY Academy of Art and a Poetry MFA at Syracuse University, where he lives with his partner Ellen, her wonderful son Joah, and their newest family member Ezra.


Roy Bentley

Roy Bentley has received fellowships from the NEA, the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, and the Ohio Arts Council. Poems have appeared in The Southern Review, Shenandoah, Pleiades, Blackbird, North American Review, Prairie Schooner and elsewhere. Books include Boy in a Boat (University of Alabama, 1986), Any One Man (Bottom Dog, 1992), The Trouble with a Short Horse in Montana (White Pine, 2006), and Starlight Taxi (Lynx House 2013).



Peter Austin

Peter Austin lives with his wife and three daughters in Toronto, Canada, where he teaches English at Seneca College. He has published three collections of poems and a short verse novel. A fourth collection, The Acid Test, will appear later in 2014. In a previous life, he wrote a musical version of The Wind in the Willows, which received four professional productions.



Able Muse, Poetry, Prose & Art - Print Edition - Winter 2014

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