
Zero Meridian: Poems

In 2001, Ivan R. Dee began publication of the annual New Criterion Poetry Prize-winner. For 2004 the prize has been awarded to Deborah Warren. Ms. Warren's poems combine imagination with intelligence, music with emotional energy. The language sparkles in poem after poem. --Dana Gioia. Warren is among the very finest American poets who still observe the strictures of meter and rhyme. She informs her work with lively feeling, wit, wisdom, and memorable music; she keeps us sitting up and interested. --X. J. Kennedy.

cover of Zero Meridian: Poemsauthor: Deborah Warren
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1566635969
binding: Hardcover
list price: $18.95 USD
amazon price: $15.25 USD

Deborah Warren

Deborah Warren’s poetry collections are: The Size of Happiness (2003, Waywiser Press, London), runner-up for the 2000 T. S. Eliot Prize;  Zero Meridian, which received the 2003 New Criterion Poetry Prize (2004, Ivan R. Dee);  and Dream With Flowers and Bowl of Fruit, which received the Richard Wilbur Award, forthcoming in December of 2008 (University of Evansville). Her poems have appeared in The Hudson Review, The New Yorker, The Paris Review and The Yale Review.

David Catron

David Catron's essays and poetry have appeared in a variety of literary publications, including Parnassus: Poetry in Review, Oxford Magazine, and The Formalist.

Hapax: Poems

Hapax is ancient Greek for "once, once only, once and for all," and "onceness" pervades this second book of poems by American expatriate poet A. E. Stallings. Opening with the jolt of "Aftershocks," this book explores what does and does not survive its "gone moment" - childhood ("The Dollhouse"), ancient artifacts ("Implements from the Grave of the Poet"), a marriage's lost moments of happiness ("Lovejoy Street"). The poems also often compare the ancient world with the modern Greece where Stallings has lived for several years.

cover of Hapax: Poemsauthor: A.E. Stallings
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0810151715
binding: Paperback
list price: $14.95 USD
amazon price: $14.95 USD

Archaic Smile: Poems

Archaic Smile, by A.E. Stallings, recipient of the 1999 Richard Wilbur Award, uniquely juxtaposes poetic meditations on mythological themes with poems about the everyday occurances of contemporary life -- such as losing an umbrella or fishing with one's father. In doing so, Archaic Smile continually bridges the gap between these two distant but interrelated worlds with striking insights. James Dickey, having praised the author's accomplished critical skills, also points out that she has "the most indispensable quality that a poet must have: an original way of looking at things." A.R.

cover of Archaic Smile: Poemsauthor: A. E. Stallings
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0930982525
binding: Hardcover
list price: $15.00 USD
amazon price: $15.00

The Nature of Things (Penguin Classics)

The seminal Epicurean text, in a brilliant new translation The Epicureans of ancient Rome discarded the ideas of life after death and of an interventionist God in favor of the tactile pleasures of nature. In The Nature of Things, Lucretius celebrates with wit and sharp perception the extraordinary breadth of the Epicurean belief system, ranging from the indestructibility of atoms and the discovery of fire to the folly of romantic love and the phenomena of clouds and rainstorms.

cover of The Nature of Things (Penguin Classics)author: Lucretius
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0140447962
binding: Paperback
list price: $16.00 USD
amazon price: $14.07 USD

April Lindner

April Lindner's poetry collection, Skin, received the 2002 Walt McDonald First Book Prize from Texas Tech University Press. Her poems have appeared in many journals, including The Hudson Review, The Paris Review, Crazyhorse, Prairie Schooner, and The Formalist, as well as in numerous anthologies and textbooks. With R. S. Gwynn, she co-edited Contemporary American Poetry, an anthology in Longman's Penguin Academics series.

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