hafiz of shiraz

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The Tangled Braid: Ninety-Nine Poems by Hafiz of Shiraz

A unique collaboration between a Cistercian monk and a scholar of Islamic translation, this volume offers fresh and distinctive interpretations of works by the spiritual Sufi poet, Hafiz of Shiraz. Combining scholarly precision with keen sensitivity to the mystic contours of the Persian originals, these esoteric verses are rendered into English without forfeiting the artistry or accuracy of the original intent. Knitting together aesthetics and erudition, each poem seeks to be intellectually stimulating and spiritually invigorating.

cover of The Tangled Braid: Ninety-Nine Poems by Hafiz of Shirazauthor: Hafiz
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1891785427
binding: Paperback
list price: $16.95 USD
amazon price: $15.36 USD

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