ernest hilbert

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“Empty Houses”: Remembering Rachel Wetzsteon

“Empty Houses”: Remembering Rachel Wetzsteon


Ernest Hilbert

Ernest Hilbert is the author of Sixty Sonnets (2009). He is an antiquarian book dealer in Philadelphia, where he lives with his wife, an archaeologist. He hosts the popular blog and video show His poems have appeared in Measure, The New Republic, Yale Review, American Poetry Review, Parnassus, Boston Review, Verse, New Criterion, Meridian, American Scholar, and the London Review.

Sixty Sonnets

A.E. Stallings writes that “like the minutes of the hour, these Sixty Sonnets both combine to make a whole and shine as individual moments. While groups of these sonnets occasionally suggest a narrative—refreshingly, like the fugitives and weary academics that people these pages—they work alone. The newspaper crime blotter itself, from which, perhaps, some of these incidents are torn, speaks up as a single sonnet.

cover of Sixty Sonnetsauthor: Ernest Hilbert
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1597093610
binding: Paperback
list price: $18.95 USD
amazon price: $18.95

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