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287: Give my regards to

english translation

287: Give my regards to

original Italian poem


Sennuccio mio, benché doglioso et solo
m’abbi lasciato, i’ pur mi riconforto,
perché del corpo ov’eri preso et morto
alteramente se’ levato a volo.

Or vedi inseme l’un et l’altro polo,
le stelle vaghe et lor vïaggio torto,
et vedi il veder nostro quanto è corto;
onde col tuo gioir tempro ’l mio duolo.

Ma ben ti prego che ’n la terza spera
Guitton saluti, et messer Cino, et Dante,
Franceschin nostro et tutta quella schiera.

A la mia donna puoi ben dire in quante
lagrime io vivo et son fatt’una fera,
membrando il suo bel viso et l’opre sante.


Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca)

Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), commonly known as Petrarch in the English-speaking world, is the great Italian master whose work helped to create the Renaissance sonnet craze in England. He was a Franciscan tertiary, a scholar of the Classics, a friend to Decameron author Giovanni Boccaccio, and an immensely popular poet in his day. Despite his religious vows, he had two children out of wedlock, and is best known for sonnets professing intense love for a woman named Laura.



Lee Harlin Bahan

Lee Harlin Bahan earned her MFA at Indiana University-Bloomington. Her thesis, Migration Solo, won the first Indiana Poetry Chapbook Contest. Her second chapbook, Notes to Sing, was published by Finishing Line Press.


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