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Unread 02-06-2025, 06:38 PM
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
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Hello, David,

That’s incredibly kind of you—thank you! Your support, both in spirit and in action. It's It’s easy to take things like Eratosphere’s continued presence for granted, especially when they’re running smoothly, but they do require ongoing effort and support to keep going strong.

Much appreciated, as always!

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Unread 02-07-2025, 02:57 PM
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Alex -- hi!

You beautiful soul, you. Thanks for all you do. I appreciate you to Mars and back.

Life could not seemingly get any better than it is at present. I've just had a publication in Nimrod. Be well.

Much love,

Originally Posted by Alex Pepple View Post

That said, I’d love to hear from you! If you have any thoughts—whether feedback, questions, or even just a quick ‘hi’—I’d appreciate the engagement.
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Unread 02-07-2025, 03:56 PM
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
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Hello, Jennifer!

What a delight to hear from you—and with such fantastic news! A Nimrod publication is no small feat—congratulations! That’s a well-earned triumph, and I have no doubt it’s just one of many more to come.

And thank you for your ever-generous words—they mean the world.

Much love right back, and may life continue to be glorious for you as you make your way through it!

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Unread 02-08-2025, 02:26 AM
Brian Allgar Brian Allgar is offline
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Thank you for your clear, helpful and informative posts.

And thank you for coming back!

With best wishes,
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Unread 02-09-2025, 01:39 AM
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
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Hello, Brian,

I really appreciate that—thank you! It means a lot to be able to come back and to reconnect with Sphereans and everyone else. And I’m truly grateful for your support and encouragement.

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Unread 02-09-2025, 07:49 AM
Max Goodman Max Goodman is offline
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Thank you, Alex.

Your mention of Amazon's unfair business practices is a good reminder of how important it is for us to support small businesses--and avoid supporting big ones, who often use their size to quash the little ones. Paying a premium to buy from a small business is worthwhile. Every dollar spent is a vote.

Donation sent.
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Unread 02-09-2025, 08:19 AM
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
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Hello, Max,

I really appreciate your perspective—and your support, both in principle and in action. You’re absolutely right: where we choose to spend our money has real consequences, and supporting small businesses (especially those dedicated to literature and the arts) helps ensure they continue to thrive despite the challenges posed by large, monopolistic entities like Amazon and others.

And thank you for your donation! That kind of direct support makes all the difference in keeping Able Muse and Eratosphere not just running, but thriving.

The very best,
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Unread 02-11-2025, 02:21 PM
Jennifer Keith Jennifer Keith is offline
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Default So glad you are OK!

Thank you, Alex -- as well as everyone else who has posted here. I was named the winner of the 2023 Able Muse Book award, and it was the most exciting honor I've ever received as a poet.

I am desperately eager to have my book published, but also very concerned that the log jam of projects may prove too taxing for you and your dedicated staff.

If another publisher were interested in actually producing *Terminarch,* would letting them do so alleviate some of the pressure on Able Muse? As this is my first real publication, I'm not sure what the policies are, and don't want to be unfair, especially to an honorable press that has bestowed such an honor on my book.

Again, foremost: You are safe and well, and that eases my mind, as it does, I'm sure, everyone else's.

Jennifer Keith

Last edited by Jennifer Keith; 02-11-2025 at 06:07 PM.
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Unread 02-12-2025, 07:09 PM
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
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Hello, Jennifer,

First, congratulations once again on Terminarch! Winning the Able Muse Book Award is no small feat, and it’s wonderful to hear how much it means to you.

I completely understand your eagerness to see your book in print, and I want to reassure you that there is no issue with getting it published—it is on the priority queue, and as a contest winner, it will be one of the first books to be released as things move forward. While there have been delays, we remain fully committed to fulfilling all Able Muse Book Award publications.

As for your generous concern about alleviating pressure by seeking another publisher—while I appreciate the thought, it’s not necessary. We are fully prepared to see your book through to publication, and you can rest assured that it is moving ahead as a top priority.

Thank you for your patience, your understanding, and your kind words. I deeply appreciate your support, and I look forward to bringing Terminarch to life in print very soon!

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Unread 02-15-2025, 09:55 AM
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By the way, Alex, I continue to give public readings and the other night at a civic gathering at the courthouse, I sold a number of copies of both my titles with the press. These sales included both Able Muse books bought to go on the shelves of school and state libraries in Louisiana.

Something about how libraries are currently under intense scrutiny with other titles being pulled off the shelves -- and mine being "appropriate" replacements. Ahem. Interpret that as you will.

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