The Turkey (3/4)
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.
....................................The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, Edward Lear
The Turkey
On the top of Gnud Hill an old Turkey's quill
was scratching a new machination.
And he preened, as they danced, I espy me a chance
to reclaim my good name and my station.
There are scads to be made in the gutters of trade
with the merchants of Thraldom and Vice.
And a bird and a cat, undamaged like that,
are sure of a civilized price.
And, doubtless, their boat
with her sweet pea-green coat
will a Fortune or Fancy entice.
Just a handful of seeds from the ZeeZeeZee trees
when they're ground to a powder or spice.
Then a, "Please, have some mince."
And, "O, do try a quince
they are ripe now and simply too nice
to be left here to rot in the bowl.
Why not two? Lady Pussy? Sir Owl?"
The lovers' dance slows. Their drowsy eyes close.
In the moonlight they sink to the sand
where they lie unaware of the ship anchored there
and a Passage so artfully planned.
It's the law of supply and demand, my dears.
For might is the right of the damned, my dears.
Sea giveth and taketh away, my dears.
Sea giveth.
And taketh.