Happy Thoreau's Birthday July 12
Paradoxical Fall
O Fall, my favorite of all the seasons,
you tease me first with faintly pink, red
and yellow streaks on just a few green leaves,
then slowly let their muted colors ripen
in cooling days until by late October
your bursting buds, hot blushes, echo summer
fruit prepared for harvesting, but some
are sapped of lively tints, turn earthy brown
and fall, the others slowly following
and cycling back to the receptive earth,
leaving trunks and branches bare to sun,
that pours more light to life in shortening days,
as it plays throughout your skeletal trees,
all like standing, proud memorials
of every living leaf that it has borne,
certain that their kind will rise again.
Inspired by my hero.
Last edited by RCL; 07-12-2023 at 10:05 PM.