Thread: tenterhooks
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Unread 05-19-2022, 12:30 PM
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Sarah-Jane Crowson Sarah-Jane Crowson is offline
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Thank you Ramya,

I am very pleased that you are participating in discussion - thank you!

What can also be helpful is if you say what works well for you and what works least well about the images you comment on. Or describe why you think something works when you find it appealing as a soft way to start.

Regardless of what stage people are on their creative journeys, in my opinion it's always good to learn and benefit from honest peer critique.

As many artists have said (including possibly Michelangelo at 87), we're always learning, and peer critique can help us 'make glorious amazing mistakes', as Neil Gaiman certainly said.

Anyway, this is an old thread so it needs to slide, but thank you for responding, and I look forward to reading you critique other posts on the board!

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