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Unread 03-12-2024, 04:13 AM
Julie Steiner Julie Steiner is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: San Diego, CA, USA
Posts: 8,387

I enjoy the logorrheic mania of these Mullinese sonnets, and I like the fact that it's a crown, which gives a tad more emphasis to the fifth-line rhymes; my attention span is usually too short for those to chime the way they should across that distance.

A micro-nit:

I'm trying to picture a "limp petard." Do you mean "damp petard," similar to "damp squib"? (Even if so, I don't quite get it. Which isn't to say that I totally get everything else, or that I need to before I can enjoy it. I mention this purely for informational purposes, in case you think that's a problem.)
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