Thread: Hillwalking
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Unread 02-17-2024, 09:53 AM
Jim Moonan Jim Moonan is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Boston, MA
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Alexandra points out that, in spite of the scramble out of metaphor, the poem continues to speak them. As I've said earlier, what I like best is that aspect of the poem — the"scrambling out of the metaphor" only to reveal the poet naked, except for metaphors that he wears like leaves.

The only line I see as being non-metaphorical is, "take the paths worn out by sheep." which is a beautiful line that, although not metaphorical, is richly suggestive of so many things.

You can take the poet out of the metaphor but you can't take the metaphor out of the poet and/or vice versa. : ) The metaphor persists.

The poem made me smile. It's a poem's poem.

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