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Unread 11-24-2023, 11:02 AM
David Callin David Callin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Ellan Vannin
Posts: 3,409

Is this one done, Carl? I expect it is, with Andrew's help, but I can always add something if you're still open for business.

It's the first four lines that have caught my eye - all in a way that is similar to what Andrew experienced, I think. The first line, for instance, sounds really old-fashioned - Miltonic, as Andrew calls it - and also quite awkward, so that I almost wonder whether "lost its luster" (although quite a hackneyed phrase) wouldn't be better. It's the idea of spending luster that is bothering me - possibly wrongly.

And line 3 is clearly a tricky one. How would you feel about "Flap on, submissive sail, flap on and flutter"? If you don't like it, I can only say in its defence that it achieves the repeated verb of the original.

Line 4, on the other hand, I think is splendid.

And I don't think I had many major problems on the voyage, after that rather choppy departure.

My belated two penn'orth for you.


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