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Unread 09-07-2022, 04:03 AM
Carl Copeland Carl Copeland is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt Q View Post
Here's my thinking: Two perpendicular mirrors produce three images, that's one image per mirror and one "composite" image across the join.

If you have three mirrors, then you have, in effect 3 sets of paired mirrors. So presumably, each of those pairs will produce a composite image across the join, since we know that's what a pair of mirrors do. So that's 3 composite images.

Plus each of the 3 mirrors will produce a whole reflection. So, that would make 6 reflections in total. So, at least 6 is what I thought.

I have since looked on the internet, and as you say the answer given is 7 reflections, though I'm not clear how that works (no one gives a clear diagram). I guess the 7th reflection must be bounced off all three mirrors, and possibly is seen in the corner (where the three mirrors join).
Matt, I see that you and I have been thinking along the same lines, though you’ve gotten a little farther than I have with your speculative placing of the seventh reflection in the center. All I can add is that the middle reflection produced by two mirrors may be on the join or off it depending on the camera angle. Alexander told us so, but I didn’t understand until I looked at various photos. Now I’m going to repeat our question for Alexander.

Last edited by Carl Copeland; 09-07-2022 at 04:33 AM.
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