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Unread 08-27-2021, 11:11 AM
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Sarah-Jane Crowson Sarah-Jane Crowson is offline
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Thanks Cameron - it's appreciated you tried.

I, unfortunately, cannot help you with naming the source translation for that exquisite quote. I do think that Aaron Poochigian's and Anne Carson's translations are alive enough to qualify as citable.
Yes, of course, they are. I'll cite as Sappho, Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments. Trans. Poochigian, A. London, Penguin Classics, London, or something like that - my formating would need a tidy. And the page number. Depending on the citation style I use when the images are complete.

But I can't find that line in the translation. It's all over the web as a 'quotable quote' - but that's it. It's unreliable.

Also, isn't all working with a reimagining, if the poet is not alive to consult
In my personal, highly subjective & deeply flawed taxonomy of collage use, no. For me, a re-imagining is a re-making of words, something to do if I feel passionately unhappy with the source material, or feel that I want to reclaim or subvert it.

It's an imagining, yes, in that the dialogue is an imaginary dialogue. But I'm using the words of the writers and thinkers themselves, carefully, with respect and thoughtfulness (insomuch that time allows). I am probably overthinking the particular project, but for me it's important.

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