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Unread 03-11-2021, 09:04 AM
Julie Steiner Julie Steiner is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: San Diego, CA, USA
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After reading this lesson plan, I eagerly await a hearty defense of the advantages that slavery in the New World brought to the heathen savages of Africa, and an appreciation of all that the altruistic White Man suffered by going to all the trouble to rescue them from such a barbaric continent, and then striving ceaselessly to establish and maintain a harmonious social order in which everyone knew his or her place.

Oh, and please let's hear some more about how prejudicial--dare we say racist?--it is for critics to say categorically that ALL the white colonists and plantation owners were cruel and exploitative. If SOME of them were a bit excessive in their means, surely the glorious mission of bringing superior Western civilization to such benighted people justifies those excesses, on the whole.

And look what a difficult, thankless task the White Man had set for himself! Look at the weighty responsibilities that he was shouldering, day and night, since he had to look after the health and welfare of so many people, and decide what was in the best interests of society as a whole! Under so much stress, surely he can be forgiven if he lost his temper now and then.

Alas, this is the new burden of the White Man: having his past achievements for the betterment of humankind universally maligned and misunderstood, not only by the ungrateful descendants of his beneficiaries, but also by his own unworthy descendants. He's the real victim here.

Last edited by Julie Steiner; 03-11-2021 at 09:36 AM. Reason: Had made verb agree in number with nearby object of preposition. Doh!
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