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Julie Steiner 11-11-2021 02:28 PM

Eric Kogan
I enjoyed seeing Eric Kogan's quietly witty photographs just now. Thought others here might, too.

There are lots more on his website,

F.F. Teague 11-12-2021 11:40 AM

Thanks for these links, Julie! Brilliant work; I'll forward to A.R.T. :)

Best wishes,

Allen Tice 11-12-2021 11:50 AM

Quietly witty is correct. Except for maybe the last one of a young cat.

F.F. Teague 11-13-2021 11:58 AM

That's true, Allen! 😹

Jim Moonan 11-15-2021 12:58 PM



Here are my playful reactions to some of the photos in both the links and his website. (Kind of ekphrastic captions!)

—Life springs from leaks—

—What do birds think of mirrored skies?—

—The lamp post drips puffs of light—

—Beneath the ground a tree grows—

The heaviest clouds bend buildings

—The line that divides oceans—

—Landline telephone hang themselves up from the wire—

—What are fig leaves finally for?—

—A photographer of clouds has smoke in his hands—

—shadows lie—

—reflecting wing—

—Playing ball against the cemetery wall—

—The concussed bridge dangles—

—Do clouds have roots that carry the rain?—

—The blown clouds were sheer linen hung in the wind—

—Negative light shines through you—

—All the apples fallen have rollen to the corner where the tree casts its shadow on the right angled wall—

—That young cat with fiery ears blazing in the night—

Thanks for sharing, Julie.


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