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F.F. Teague 06-18-2021 01:02 PM

The last time I saw Zelda

I hope this is okay; I'd like people to get the full effect of the photograph, so I'm linking to here.

Best wishes,

PS: I don't usually do this, but... the photo was published by Pittville Swans & Friends :'-)

Sarah-Jane Crowson 06-18-2021 02:38 PM

It's lovely! Pittville Park? I remember that when I used to work for the art dept at GlosCAT as a teenager way back when.

I have no training in photography so cannot bring anything technically useful to your image (sorry), but it works for me to evoke a sense of pastoral-in-urban (the blue railings and lampost juxtaposed with the wildish green) and the familial sense of the swans is also lovely.


John Isbell 06-18-2021 02:38 PM

Hi Fliss,

I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Zelda. It sounds like she has left children behind, which is always nice.

Though it traces irreparable loss, I thought this datum was splendidly put and deserves to be in a novel: “George lost his first wife in 2008, when she swallowed some fishing line …”

I have some catching up to do and am thinking of about 3 a.m. this evening.


F.F. Teague 06-19-2021 11:48 AM

Thanks, John; you're very kind. Yes, George and Zelda had seven cygnets this year (one died suddenly last month) and they've had a little family every year since Zelda was introduced to the lake.

I'm glad you like the bit about George's first wife. Yes, there's scope for writing a novel, perhaps a novella. Were you up until 3am? I hope you're able to catch up with sleep soon :-)

- - -
Yes, Sarah-Jane, this is Pittville Park. It's changed quite a lot over the last few years, mainly due to the addition of an enormous playpark and the council's attempts to tidy up. I preferred it wild, as that was better for the wildlife.

Thanks for enjoying the photo; I like the expression 'pastoral-in-urban'. As with my picture of Mr Patch, I used to add a frame :-)

Best wishes,

Ann Drysdale 06-19-2021 11:59 AM

Fliss, you should read a story called "The Old Man" by Daphne du Maurier.

F.F. Teague 06-19-2021 12:11 PM

Thank you, Ann; I shall do this asap :-)

mignon ledgard 06-19-2021 03:10 PM

Note to F F Teague
Dear Fliss,

I tried, but did not succeed, to post the image of a Swan I painted in 2005. The title of the thread: Swan - saying goodnight to Zelda.

I'm smitten that Dad Swan assumes caring for the little ones.


Jim Moonan 06-19-2021 05:16 PM

Hi Fliss, How poignant... how curious... It sends my thoughts swimming…

Here in Boston we have a swan family that makes their home in the Charles River by the Boston Esplanade, a wonderful gathering place along the river with a great hatch shell stage for concerts, etc. The mother swan died a few weeks ago after giving birth and while caring for her new brood. The father has taken the cygnets under his wing. Here is the announcement with the story that parallels yours.

Boston is also the home of the famous ducklings in the American children's classic, “Make Way For Ducklings” (their names are Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack). Here is a statue of the ducklings being lead by their mother to commemorate the book. It's located near the duck pond in the Boston Garden.

In the summer children flock to the Boston Garden Pond to take rides on the Swan Boats to see the ducks. Here are the Swan Boats.

And in my home town of Milton, MA there is a fantastic school event each year that never ceases to amaze me. The elementary school is located next to Turner’s Pond and every year the mother duck builds a nest in the school courtyard. When the chicks hatch she parades them down the hallway of the school, out through the playground and down a wooded, flowering path to the pond. It is a sight to see. Here is a video of it happening. Every year! Every year! Every year they do this! Here is a video of them waddling their way. (FYI, my daughter is vice principal of one of the elementary schools in Milton and she is in the video nudging the chicks along from behind — I think she’s second from the left. Blonde hair.)

You see? I told you my thoughts were swimming!

Are you familiar with Rilke’s Swan poem? You must be… — But if not here it is.

The photo of yours is fascinating as is the description (as John points out). I am going back to your blog and enjoy it some more.


F.F. Teague 06-20-2021 01:54 PM

mignon, I'm sorry you weren't able to post your swan image, which sounds pleasant. I love paintings. Yes, Dad is doing his best to keep going, his fatherly instincts strong :>)

- - -
Yes, Jim, poignant. Thanks for the swancyclopaedia, a joy to read.

I've tried to interest the local paper in Zelda's passing, but they've ignored me so far. Anyway, thanks for the link; I wonder how 'Mama Swan' died. The statue of ducklings and their mother is very sweet :>)

The Swan Boats are brilliant The video of Mother Duck and her brood is seriously cute, Jim. Please consider writing a poem about it, lol.

I wasn't familiar with Rilke's poem, so thanks v.v. much for the link. (I would love to try translation at some stage, but I'm on long hours, low pay at the moment, unfortunately.)

Thank yous,

mignon ledgard 06-24-2021 11:05 AM

Swan: Saying goodnight to Zelda
1 Attachment(s)
Dear Fliss,

I shrank the file to fit and it shows uploaded, but I don't know where it is--I am a testament to my ineptitude! If I see it again, I still have no idea how to place it here.


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