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ross hamilton hill 03-05-2016 10:43 PM

Mouse Drawing , two imagined faces
1 Attachment(s)

Sharon Passmore 03-09-2016 06:59 AM

Hi Ross, these are very lively little drawings. It took me a sec to get the "mouse" meaning. I was looking for them to look like mice LOL. Maybe it was too early in the morning.

I think the one on the right it the more successful of the two. The one on the left has some problem around the eyes and a little around the nose. Quick sketches are allowed to look sketchy, of course, but notice how the sketchiness enhances the feeling of the hair and works very well on the chin and jaw. On the eyes and nose the sketchiness seems to fight against the subject. It says "imagined" faces, so I must say, for working with no model, you have the proportions of these faces spot on!

I don't know what program you used, but if you have Gimp, PS or something with such comprehensive settings, why not experiment with a certain brush setting that lets the stroke "fade out". There are also settings that allow "pressure sensitivity", behaving like a real pencil. In this way you can have your thick and thin strokes transition naturally between each other. I'm sure stopping to switch between brush sizes jams up spontaneity a bit.

When I was in school one of our assignments was quick "gesture drawings" of this type. We were allowed 8 second or 15 seconds...The fun part is that we were to draw these with a twig and a bottle of ink. :-D I'd like to see you do lots more of these. You certainly have an eye and a sense. Give yourself the insane time limit.

ross hamilton hill 03-09-2016 02:49 PM

Sharon, thanks for your comment, I agree that the boy is the better drawing. Your crit was very perceptive.
I used to be a model in life drawing classes so am familiar with what you mean.
I thought everyone would realize what I meant by 'mouse'.
I've don't draw or paint much anymore only occasionally.
I have a slideshow of portraits on YouTube if anyone's interested, not in this style, but all 'imagined' although really I think most are stored faces dredged up from the subconcious. I never set out to draw someone, it just happens and after it's finished I think 'Oh, that's Mandy.'

Graham King 03-10-2016 08:03 AM

Hi Ross, I like these!
Yes, I would like to see your YouTube slideshow (link, please?:)), and would also be interested to know how long each of these sketches took you.

ross hamilton hill 03-10-2016 02:31 PM

Graham thanks for your interest. here is the link. Please excuse my lame singing.

If anyone else is interested all my YouTubes can be found when you are in YouTube by searching 'ross hamilton hill'

I'm not sure how long they took to do, I work very quickly, I wrote 'a couple of minutes' but really it was more like seconds with the boy and not much more with old woman ( I see her as a woman) with the Paint program you can erase without any sign you have done so and I use that technique a lot. Something you can't do with pen and ink.

Gail White 03-13-2016 10:44 AM

A new art form is born. Loved the women.

Michael Cantor 03-13-2016 01:25 PM

Yes, and the incredible thing is that it only takes seconds to create. Even less time than a poem.

ross hamilton hill 03-13-2016 03:22 PM

Gail, the new art form is YouTube, my effort is one of many, two of the best I've seen is the four seasons productions of Poema 20 and Inclinado En Las Tardes both a combination of music, poetry and film, ( in Spanish with English subtitles). Both Naruda poems. Inclinado is my favourite, slideshows with music are also common although I didn't steal anyone's music. I'm sure the law will sooner or later catch up with people who steal music or photos and post them on YouTube and other sites and then enable ads and make money off the backs of artists who can't afford to stop them.

Michael see Sharon's remarks about quick sketching on this thread.

mignon ledgard 04-17-2021 07:07 PM

Ross Hamilton Hill - art

This may be a long shot, since this thread was started five years ago. I really like some of your digital drawings and I've seen a few of your YouTube clips. I like the one with the original guitar and at 0:30 to 0:33, I like that drawing very much. I wonder if you could post it, separately, too.

Windows no longer includes the old Paint application, which I think is what you have used. It is sad that it has been discontinued and will no longer be supported--I have enjoyed it, too.

I don't know if I am allowed to post anything before I am a fully participating member with 15 qualifying posts..

We'll see if you see this post.
Belated thanks for the sharing.


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