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RCL 08-25-2022 11:42 PM

Finding a Double
It's not unusual, as a recent article suggests, that there are doubles of me out there.

With a light touch, here are just a few actual instances of my being thought to be someone entirely different--or so I thought until reading the news bit below.

And what about your double?

Mirror Mirror Mirror

At Ralphs supermarket,
where I shop frequently,
the manager nods to me
and points, “You talkin’ tah me!”

In a drugstore, I feel a little boy
tugging at my sleeve. He smiles.
“Mom says you’re an eye-talian star
in movies and wants your autographs!”

Later, when I first meet my
part-time American Poetry class,
a student way back shouts,
“Hey, you look like De Niro!”

He adds, “In that Taxi Driver movie.”
“That’s my rich brother Bobby.
I’m his poor but handsome brother
who’ll teach for food!”

I’d never seen De Niro in the flesh,
but at my new doctor’s office,
a pre-teen girl grabs my hand
and says, “Hi, Doctor Hyde!”

I explain, “No, no, I’m not the doctor.”
She gasps and points through
a glass door: “Look!” And it’s
it’s me. In a white coat. We gasp.

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