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Mark McDonnell 10-02-2020 10:53 AM


I'm resurrecting this eight year old thread that I just spent a pleasant half hour reading, because

a) limericks are fun
b) movies are wonderful
c) I’ve just written one to kick it off again

I’d say not including the movie title is the way to go, then we have a guessing game too and the fun levels reach fever-pitch (ahem).

Monoliths! Apes in confusion!
A bone thrown to space (evolution)
It's a slow sort of future
but a killer computer
adds spice before baffling conclusion.

Mark McDonnell 10-02-2020 11:27 AM

And another...

A cabbie would not be advised
to back off from the woman he prized
Though he thought to do good
it’s just mayhem and blood
Will he ever get organazized?

RCL 10-02-2020 12:09 PM

He kept order mercilessly,
This Capo di tutti capi.
When the shootings got hot
And the old man was shot
His son proved our laws are Fugazi.

Roger Slater 10-02-2020 12:18 PM

Her finances stuck in the cellar,
Blanche DuBois has to move in with Stella,
Whose husband, named Stan,
Is a thug of a man
Who rapes her! Despicable fella!

The times were the best, but the worst.
They were blessed, but they also were cursed.
They were good, they were bad,
They were happy, yet sad,
They were all things, and all things reversed.

Willy Loman’s a salesman who’s made
A mess of his life, I’m afraid.
He’s old and he’s poor
And can’t take any more!
Attention, I say, must be paid!

When doddering Lear, weak and old,
Gave his daughters his kingdom, though told
By a friend not to do it,
He soon learned to rue it
As they tossed his butt out in the cold!

Aaron Novick 10-02-2020 12:21 PM


three hipsters with too much to say
go gabbing through ruins one day:
...they enter the Zone;
...the viewers all groan;
the cameraman wanders away.

Chris O'Carroll 10-02-2020 12:27 PM

This was fun the first time around, and I hope I'm not repeating myself with any of these three.

An IRA fugitive’s awed
By a singer’s sweet voice and hot bod.
After she sizes him
Up, she surprises him.
Turns out she’s packing a rod.

You’re Yoda’s fair-haired Jedi laddie,
While I am the ultimate baddie,
So this 411
Will blow your mind, son:
Luke Skywalker, guess who’s your Daddy.

The new sheriff isn’t a white guy
But to save Rock Ridge, he’s just the right guy.
His sidekicks are a drunk
And a muscular lunk,
None too bright, but a good-in-a-fight guy.

Mark McDonnell 10-02-2020 01:21 PM


Ralph: The Godfather

Roger: A Streetcar Named Desire, A Tale of Two Cities, Death of a Salesman, King Lear (all made into movies, true)

Aaron: I watched my first Tarkovsky a couple of weeks ago. Mirror. It was stunning. My mind is still reeling and recovering.

Chris: The Crying Game, The Empire Strikes Back, Blazing Saddles.

I was 2001 and Taxi Driver btw.

Keep ‘em coming!

Roger Slater 10-02-2020 01:38 PM

What we know: There's a dead samurai.
A court wants to learn how and why.
But the answer's unclear
Even after we hear
What the witnesses all testify.


When Annie's friend asked her to be
A bridesmaid, she couldn't foresee
That Annie would freak,
Or the havoc she'd wreak,
In this film people loved (but not me).


Have you ever considered what if
Two girlfriends who'd sampled a whiff
Of freedom were chased
By the cops and they faced
Capture? . . . They'd drive off a cliff.


Harry's boyhood could not have gone worsely.
He's mistreated 'cause he's not a Dursley.
But turning eleven,
He finds Hogwarts heaven.
Thereafter his life goes conversely.


The birds out my window say "Tweet!"
I look up and cry, "They're so sweet!"
But birds wouldn't charm me
If they formed an army
Whose mission was mankind's defeat!

RCL 10-02-2020 05:37 PM

This captain’s obsessed with a whale
So evil its skin’s deathly pale,
Sails after it sea to sea,
Harpoons it futilely—
An Everyman fated to fail.

RCL 10-02-2020 07:12 PM


Your fine take on Taxi Driver reminded me that I watched it recently and immediately began doing pushups!

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