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Sharon Passmore 04-18-2004 02:02 AM

Here's a game we used to play as kids. Everyone adds a new section to the bottom of the image till we get a really long weird picture collage. The sections should match up so the picture flows, for example, the blue of the girl's shirt could become sky in the next section. It's important to overlap down only, please.

Kathy has suggested that we have a series of poems, linked similarly, running alongside the images.

"Maybe integrate poetry into the stream? Write haiku, and each haiku must begin with the last line of the hiaku preceding it? Overlapped, like the pics? Just a thought. Something like:

oak leaf lies on rail
spring breezes blow it away
destination found

then when another pic is added, the next haiku would be inspired by that pic but would have to start "destination found"

I like it! Kathy's haiku is beside the image that inspired it now and there's room for more, so all poets are invited to add to the scroll, working backwards if they wish since Kathy's poem is about halfway down Series 2.

We got some poems that weren't haiku on series 1 so how about on series 1 - any form, and on series 2 - haiku.

Click here for Series 1

Click here for Series 2

Thanks to Jerry for some of his web space for this.

Leila Montour 04-18-2004 02:21 AM

Not easy, but sounds fun!


Edit- difficult, couldn't quit get it:

Michael Cantor 04-18-2004 07:26 AM

That's funny - I always thought this was a poetry site. POETRY!

Can't you contain yourselves and limit the exchange of photographs to the Art Forums. Isn't there room for this among the pet pictures and other photography exercises? It has absolutely nothing to do with poetry or writing, which is what this Board's description pretty clearly indicates as its purpose.

[This message has been edited by Michael Cantor (edited April 18, 2004).]

Lightning Bug 04-18-2004 07:33 AM

You're right, Michael - some of the forums here ARE for poetry. But, *******************, so why are you complaining?

- Bugsy

Robt_Ward 04-18-2004 09:41 AM

ooooooooooooooooooh. Zinger, Bugsy!

Michael, fagawdsake: the is the FUNEXCISE thread. Think it THROUGH, dude, willya?

1. The Makers of this site gave it an Art board for their own reasons, whatever they may be, back in the days of yore.

2. When the Makers "hired" ME to mod, they made me Mod of Art too, and I went nowhere with it, really. However, the Makers occasionally ASKED me, "When you gonna DO something with art?"

3. When I "retired" as a Mod the Makers "hired" Sharon Passmore to "bring life back to the Art board"; she's DONE that. Asked to, did it.

4. In the process of bringing life back to the Art board, some (shall we say) whimsical threads were created, whereupon some less-than-whimsical 'spherians commented that such threads were not in keeping with the gravitas of this site (apparently forgetting some of the silliness-in-words that has spun off into the poetry forums; for a recent example, see "Rhina's Horse" in, of all places, the DEEP END).

5. Therefore our charming Moderatrix-of-Art requested (I believe) a "silly forum" like "Funexcise" for the Art Boards. To the best of my knowledge, this was denied and, instead, she was given (apparently) the "keys" to Funexcise for the express purpose (again, apparently) of sticking visual silliness into close proximity with verbal silliness.

As far as I know, this is the history of the thing. My question is, why do you care? There's a small core group of us who are both artists and poets (me, for example) and another small core group of accomplished artists who do not do poetry. The Makers provided, in their wisdom, a place for us to work. I appreciate that they did this. If you aren't interested, why attack us? "Ignore" is always an option.

If you feel strongly enough that there should be NO art on the 'sphere, why not start a thread in "General" to debate it? But as long as there IS a place for art on the 'sphere, I see no reason what-so-EVER that we shouldn't be allowed to be as silly in our art as we are in our poetry.



[This message has been edited by Robt_Ward (edited April 18, 2004).]

Jerry Glenn Hartwig 04-18-2004 10:37 AM

I'm sorry Jerry, I've had to delete your comment. Please forgive me and please behave now ok?

Rose Kelleher 04-18-2004 10:50 AM

my lame attempt... (my excuse is I don't have PhotoShop, only cheap old Paint Shop Pro)

Sharon Passmore 04-18-2004 10:52 AM

Please let's not let this get ugly ok? Michael has every right to ask his questions. Thank you, Bugsy, Robt and Jerry for being such eager champions. I'd really like this thread to stay open though.

As far as Funexcise, here's the history of it. This is the third art related Funexcise. The first was back when Kate was mod. I asked her permission and she said to go for it. I didn't ask for a forum like this for art. If I had, I'm sure Alex would do it. He let me start Art Museum.

I posted this thread here so that more members might see it than would see it if it was in the art forum. I'm sorry to anyone who's thread has been pushed to the second page due to my post.

Wow, Leila and Rose, you two are sure quick on the draw! Very nice.

Robt_Ward 04-18-2004 11:11 AM

Sheesh, Rose: you moved so fast you rendered completely irrelevant the image I was just working on, sigh.

Sharon, this is FUNexcise, it hasn't got many active threads at all, so nobody has been bumped down...


Sharon Passmore 04-18-2004 11:19 AM

Yes, Robt, I know.

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