Freelance Writing
Posted 09-17-2010 at 07:03 AM by Kevin Corbett
I've recently taken up freelance writing in order to generate a bit of cash. Usually I do it for sites that want articles on things like brown rugs or recipe ideas, but I've been using Associated Content for a few things I've come up with on my own of late. They don't pay much upfront (unlike the other sites) and you only get like an eighth of a cent per click, but at least you get to keep your name on the thing. I figure I'll try to get some more readers, and then use that as credentials for better paying freelance work. It certainly won't pay off quickly, but I'm going to try to be patient and work hard. Here is a link to my page. I don't have much there, but I should have some more decent material up shortly. If you do check it out, thanks.
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