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pesach poem projectiles

Posted 04-01-2013 at 07:30 AM by moudiwort
Updated 04-09-2013 at 05:52 PM by moudiwort (concision)
I.1.: title: [I]In order to exorcise the demons of pesach[/I]
I.2: in nuce: a cross/over attempt combining alf laila wa laila's frame story (according to Sir Richard Burton*) with the Jewish passover folk lore.
I.3: goal: to turn Dunyzade into the paschal lamb
I.4: motivation: because I can (show you)

I.5: show it to us: un pò più tardi!*****

I.6: teasers: (the skeleton roughly sketched.)

a) "Humming soothings to myself as dying tomcats do
I know, I must ignore my heart's voice
but it is Good Friday,
that one day of the year when miseries will likely happen.

But not to me.
(promise to myself)

My heart bleeds with the one on the cross,
even if my heart believes a lie. ...

b) And I want the ghosts of le renouveau catholique to disappear to me.

Huysmans has infected me and Bernanos made it worse. ...

c) "now that you have parked your jamal (camel) right next to our
badawiyyīn (bedouin) fire and are sitting down with a shisha smelling
almost criminally hashishly,
let me tell you this new to you anecdote,
another wild tale from mysterious mašriq . ..."

d) To break it down for you:

a thousand
[I]laila[/I]: another one

and another night for Sheherazade to spin her yarn for the ḫalīf (caliphe)
just in order to save her little sister from being massacred by this monster
she, sheher now must entice him in order to charm away his evilness. ..."

e)" Zebaḥ Pesaḥ:

To quote the wise, the hakhamim : חכמים

[I] Only those who were circumcised and clean before the Law might participate; and they were forbidden to have leavened food in their possession during the act of killing the paschal lamb. The animal was slain on the eve of the Passover, on the afternoon of the 14th of Nisan, after the Tamid sacrifice had been killed, i.e., at three o'clock, or, in case the eve of the Passover fell on Friday, at two.[/I] (quoted from the Jewish encyclopedia**)

f) "By now, my friend, it must have become evident to you, that I will tell
the story of Dunyazade and the adventure of her not being butchered by this vile and mischievous Shahryar.

And by now also it will have become crystal clear to you, why I tell this cliffhanger fairy tale(s):

In order to
survive sorrow (melancholia de profundis****)
or to rephrase it:

In order to exorcise the demons of Easter. (the angel of death kept away from the Hebrew folk by way of the blood on their doors back then in Egypt. And we have another Pesah which we call Egyptian: Pesaḥ Miẓrayim.
And the blood that is to be smeared on the door is the blood of paschal lambs
to signal to the unspeakable malakh ha-mavet, to pass by this door."

[B]Comment by the author:[/B]

At the core, after I strip off all the religious and cultural layers from these 2 narratives, I get this basic rule:
[I][B]in order to live you have to kill.[/B][/I]

Eventually you still will die, but if you apply this rule you can postpone the moment of death.
I personally do [B]not [/B]believe this gory bullshit of course . ,-) I am just reporting .
But you could indeed say, that life is nothing else but the delay of the moment of death. Think of the presocratic Todeslose* or Beckett, but I strongly doubt that the latter is any less depressing a read. Or if you are more Alpine-bound, enjoy Jedermann.

Don't get me wrong : I don't offer solutions to help you cope with death. I mean: what have you done good for me to expect from me to please you back? We are definitely not in a [I]do ut des[/I] relation. Come on! If you really need soothers, then sure go for this lofty bletherings religions offer you. If you are able to delude yourself by believing this utter inanities, then go for it. I prefer more substantial lil helpers especially in their liquid form. I of course am aware, too, that I have to reapply them, preferably on a daily basis, just like Sheherazade has to make up another new lullaby for this pervert asshole aka death, but at least for as long as the magic spell of these spirits works for me, I am happy to report to you , from consumer to consumer, that I am quite satisfied about its effectiveness.

***"20. Clemens Alex., strom. 3,14,1

genomenoi zôein ethelousi
morous t' echein, mallon de anapauesthai;
kai paidas kataleipousi morous genesthai.

Einmal geboren, wollen sie leben,
und das heißt: Todeslose haben, oder vielmehr ausruhen;
und sie hinterlassen Kinder, damit neue Todeslose geboren werden."
zitiert nach /quoted from
this internet source:


and here:

"γοῦν κακίζων φαίνεται τὴν γένεσιν, ἐπειδὰν φῇ· γενόμενοι ζώειν ἐθέλουσι μόρους τ' ἔχειν, μᾶλλον δὲ ἀναπαύεσθαι, καὶ παῖδας καταλείπουσι μόρους γενέσθαι."

[B]quoted from[/B]
Internet source:

once on that site please use the search function of your browser and type in: morous.
You will be surprised. ,-) has English rendering.

(and relax, I simply don't need to steal. I just wanted to make it easier for you to get the real thing. ;-) so I quote my sources. :-))

**** Democritus iunior (Robert Burton*) + Oscat Wilde** = survive sorrow

*****as I said: I'll show you procrastination ,-)

** [url][/url]
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  1. Unread
    quod [B]non[/B] erat demonstrandum.

    --> phase three
    the chiseling begins
    Posted 04-09-2013 at 11:18 AM by moudiwort moudiwort is offline
    Updated 04-09-2013 at 11:03 PM by moudiwort (reflecting)
  2. Unread
    phase three: the chiseling.

    pass not over (v1):

    Humming soothings to my heart
    like a tomcat close to death,

    On Good Friday I am bleeding
    for a liar crucified:

    No more blood of lambs on doorposts,
    Péssah Mizráim has now passed!


    alternatively S1L2 could be:
    "like when cats are close to death" I am not sure about this close neighbourhood of "like" and "when". Need native speakers input.

    Transcription of Hebrew, the never-ending fun:

    the -h in pessah is of course not an h. I could use -kh, but I wanted it to be consistent with the spelling ;-), of misrayim.
    -z- in mizraim is pronounced like -ts . in English bits

    I have linked above to the meaning (Jewish encyclopedia) of the [B]Egyptian[/B] passover.

    Here are links to the soundfiles of both words.

    Pessah : [url][/url] = Passover
    Mizraim: [url][/url] = Egyptian
    Posted 04-09-2013 at 11:02 PM by moudiwort moudiwort is offline
    Updated 04-10-2013 at 03:06 AM by moudiwort

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