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Rating: 3 votes, 4.00 average.

Bake-off Google Protection

Posted 02-25-2009 at 02:56 PM by Catherine Chandler
In answer to a submitter's question on protection from Google, Alex has been kind enough to inform me:

As for protection from Google, there was no protection at all with the previous sonnet bake-offs. However, this time we will add a 'noindex' code as the first thing for each finalist sonnet post, instructing Google robots not to index the thread where it appears. If the discussion spans several pages, the first response of each subsequent page should be edited by a moderator to add
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Rating: 2 votes, 3.00 average.

Google Gmail Crash

Posted 02-24-2009 at 12:25 PM by Catherine Chandler
If anyone tried to send me a sonnet this morning between 5:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, you probably did not get through due to the Google gmail crash.,2933,499106,00.html

If so, please resend, as the problem has been fixed.

Thank you.

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Sonnet Bake-off Blog

Posted 02-19-2009 at 06:40 PM by Catherine Chandler
I love the word bake-off. It takes me back to those Pillsbury Bake-offs in the '50s where some nice June Cleaver-ish housewife would win for her yummy brownies, or some other delicacy.

At the time, my father was recovering from polio (which he contracted in the spring the year the vaccine became available to the public) and my mother, age 25, was not only his caregiver and physiotherapist, but also in charge of the first four of what would eventually be her seven children, all of...
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