An embarrassment of riches
Posted 03-05-2009 at 01:30 PM by Catherine Chandler
"From A Very Little Sphinx"
-- Edna St. Vincent Millay
Come along in then, little girl!
Or else stay out!
But in the open door she stands,
And bites her lip and twists her hands,
And stares upon me, trouble-eyed;
'Mother,' she says, 'I can't decide!'
Dear Poets,
With only five days left until the bake-off sonnet submission deadline, already I am having to make some very tough decisions. (I knew it would not be easy, but ...) Just when I (and my decision matrix) think I have the twelve, and that none could possibly be surpassed, I open my email and yikes!
another gem to add to this embarrassment of riches.
Pity me not.
Yours (biting her lip and twisting her hands),
-- Edna St. Vincent Millay
Come along in then, little girl!
Or else stay out!
But in the open door she stands,
And bites her lip and twists her hands,
And stares upon me, trouble-eyed;
'Mother,' she says, 'I can't decide!'
Dear Poets,
With only five days left until the bake-off sonnet submission deadline, already I am having to make some very tough decisions. (I knew it would not be easy, but ...) Just when I (and my decision matrix) think I have the twelve, and that none could possibly be surpassed, I open my email and yikes!

Pity me not.
Yours (biting her lip and twisting her hands),

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